How to Find a Good Moving Company

3 min readFeb 7, 2021


To hire the best moving company is the biggest challenge in the entire moving process. You expect someone to be at your side when you move the home thousands of miles away but later realize it was a big mistake.

As per the Better Business Bureau, more than 8,000 complaints are filed every year against movers and most complaints are stemmed from alleged lost or damaged property, charging for un-worked hours, arriving late, and not honoring estimates.

So how can we identify if the mover is genuine or not?

Always get referrals before you hire

Ask the friends or coworkers about the moving company. Have they got experience of working with the moving company? If you’re working with a real estate agent, ask the agent for a referral.

Check how long it has been in the business

Do not hire someone who was born yesterday as it’s hard to tell whether it has the credentials for your move. Do not go by the low moving company quote. Hire only someone with a minimum of 10 years of experience in the industry. For local moving, there is no need to worry about how long it is functioning. But if you are moving cross-country, confirm it has got the experience.

The mover is licensed and insured

A moving company you hire needs to be properly licensed. Unless it’s licensed, it is risky to hand over your household belongings. If you’re not sure about the license part, look at the company website. Most moving companies normally list their Department of Transportation (DOT) licensing and insurance information on the homepage.

The mover needs to visit the home

When you speak to a moving professional about the moving cost estimate, he will inform the date to visit the home. Once he reaches the home, the representative will take stock of the household items and will inform how much it will cost you to move. He will consider every item, small or big, and will also take a look at the paths to the road, how things can be moved out in the absence of an elevator, or other factors that impact the moving. The final moving cost estimate will be done only after the evaluation.

Watch out for red flags

Do not make advance payments. Reputed moving companies never demand advance deposit. And if someone is asking for payment in advance, drop the plan as it is a rogue company. Also while preparing the moving cost estimate, analyze how professional or nonprofessional a company is. If they show up late, seem unsure of their abilities, or can’t answer your questions, look for another company.

Ask for professional accreditation

Trade associations vet companies before giving them a membership or approved seal. A moving company carries the American Moving and Storage Association’s ProMover logo. Confirm this part before you agree to a moving company quote.

Verify the address

When you get an online moving company quote, ensure it has a proper address and if possible, even visit the local office. This will help you know how resourceful the moving company is and whether it can efficiently transit your special items at home, including an aquarium, piano, grandfather clock, artwork, or glassware. Also, when you talk face-to-face, it’s easy to understand how serious the company is about the business.

Ask questions and demand answers

You should have questions to ask while approaching a moving company. There will be several doubts and nothing should be left unanswered. It’s your right to raise questions and the moving company is liable to clarify your queries. Never hire a moving company that’s not fit enough to provide satisfying answers.

Moving is not a child’s play. It requires proper planning and the company you hire should be fit enough to handle it efficiently. You must verify how fit the professional company is. It is not the moving company quote that matters but the quality of service that makes the moving remarkable.

